In accordance with CONTRAN Deliberation 189/2020, endorsed by CONTRAN Resolution 783/2020, Candidates for obtaining the National Driving License (CNH) can take the technical-theoretical classes of the driver training course in the remote teaching modality.In view of this fact, GRUPO CRIAR, a company with more than 31 years of experience in systems, mainly for the traffic area, developed the e-TEÓRIKA System – Monitored Remote Classroom.e-TEÓRIKA is a monitoring system, controlling the Candidates identification by facial biometrics, controlling classes and monitoring the Students learning in theoretical classes required in the processes involving the CNH.With a pedagogical proposal that prioritizes the Students learning, contributing to making them a more responsible and active Driver in the formation of safe traffic, e-TEÓRIKA provides an area for the Student to access and follow their course.This application is used by Students at Driver Training Centers to access theoretical classes, taught remotely.eteorika, e-Teorika, eTeorika, eTeórika, e-Teórika, e-teórika, Virtual class